

I believe I can do anything that I put my mind to [except sing]. I've always been a very self-sufficient, do-it-yourself kind of person. I like to learn how to do things and then do them - that way I do not have to wait for other people, I do not have to ask for permission -- I just do it.


Once upon a time, I was introduced to HTML coding, web design, flash, dream weaver, photoshop and basically everything tech by my teacher, Mr. Dwyer. I built my first website (complete with a Flash intro) at the age of 15 and I remember thinking how cool it was. As time went on, I kept seeking more information. I used google and youtube to teach myself more and more coding and then one day, I just stopped. For no apparent reason, I left it alone.

Earlier this year, I started learning how to use Adobe InDesign. The more I learn, the more I realize that it is not too late to learn more and take it a step further. Computers excite me, technology excites me, the internet excites me. I am in awe of the way it has transformed our lives and how democratic it is -- you can be anyone, anywhere and have access to so many things, with the click of a button.

I say this all to say, I am breathing life back into my love for coding. Eventually, I would love to learn how to build an app :)

Black girls code is a real organization btw. Check it out. It's pretty cool. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice I'd love to learn how to do all of that ...I can relate but goodness time time time!!
