

There are two things anyone needs to know about me, I am passionate about life & I am fascinated with the different cultures in the world. I have always considered myself a global citizen, I want to know everything about every place. Just knowing about myself & my immediate surroundings is not enough for me. Traveling, politics, the news, fashion, languages are all things I enjoy very much. I consider my tastes very eclectic, there are things that I do that surprise people because people love to place you in a box and label when you do something "out of the ordinary"....they are surprised. So as you read blog, I say to you expect anything at any time. Random is probably a good word to describe what it is going to be like. With all that said, I hope you enjoy.



  1. I heart you mucha and I welcome you AND your randomness. Welcome to the community chica :)

  2. umngani wakho bakithi! lol. keep doin what u do, the only way u know how!! i lava u.
